Thursday, October 9, 2008

Presidential Solar Power

Both John McCain and Barack Obama have indicated support for the development of wind and solar power.

Obama proposes targeting research and development of alternative energies (primarily solar and wind) with $150 billion in seed money over the next 10 years. The goal - energy independence by 2018.

McCain expresses support for alternative energies, but refuses to give specifics on how he would foster the development of wind and solar or give any timetables. But as a member of the U. S. Senate for over two decades, his track record may indicate how he would promote alternative energies.

The Washington Independent sheds some light on the subject.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is pretty clear that McKeating is just repeating the lines he thinks will get him past the post. In trying to be all things to every one, he has instead repulsed nearly all; about the only constituency he has left are the Klanservatives, and that's only because of the presence of a bonafide bigot on his ticket.